Can I bulk import Google Business Profile location details?

Can I bulk import Google Business Profile location details?

There is a way to upload a CSV file to LocalClarity that updates location details in bulk. We believe that you should not be confined to a singular workflow method of updating your listing details.  This can be found in the Manage Locations Section under the Bulk Actions button. Scroll to the section that reads Bulk Upload GMB Detail and click on it.

From there a window will pop up asking you to choose a file to upload. Instead, we recommend to download the sample CSV file. The sample file will have the correct formatting needed to update any remaining locations as closed for the weekend. All of the required fields of information are marked as REQUIRED in row 16. You can delete rows 2-20 and use the sample CSV file your you location update needs.

Once filled out, you can go back to the Bulk Upload GMB Detail section and upload the CSV file, Click OK to confirm the updating process.

You can validate the success of the file uploaded by checking the History tab in the Manage Locations section. If marked as success, you have successfully imported an update to your Google Business Profile Listings. 

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