Can I filter in the ReviewsInbox to show Local Guides?

Can I filter in the ReviewsInbox to show Local Guides?

What is a Google Local Guide?

A Google Local Guide is frequent user who contributes to Google Maps by writing reviews, uploading photos, and adding information about local businesses, places, and attractions. The program aims to help users discover and share information about the places they love in their local communities.

Can I filter in the ReviewsInbox to show Local Guides? 

In short, not currently. We understand that having greater visibility of how many Local Guides have left reviews on your local listings would be a top priority. We are actively looking for ways to implement this additional means of filter reviews. But to provide context as to why we do not currently have this,  Google does not identify Local Guides by any specific data flag. There is nothing contained with Google's API that allows us to do this automatically but we are actively looking for solutions that would make this type of filtering possible. 

Identifying Local Guides in your ReviewsInbox

It is not impossible to identify a Local Guide in your ReviewsInbox. The reviewer image contains a visible marker if they are a high enough level local guide with a star shape in the lower right corner of their profile photo. For example, here is the image we receive with a review with the local guide symbol visible. Local Guides can earn points for their contributions of leaving reviews, which is then reflected in the number of points on their star icon. The 5-pointed star icon tells us that the example above is a Level 5 guide.

Please refer to the visual guide below to see the full levels that can be given to Local Guides. 

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