Can I receive text messages of my reviews?

Can I receive text messages of my reviews?

Yes, we have made it easy to receive real-time Google review notices via our partnership with Zapier.

Step 1 - Identify the Urgent Reviews to Trigger Text Messages

You can use the filtering, custom groups, geographic breakdown, and reviews (both ratings and content) to identify the exact set of reviews you wish to trigger a text message. 

Do you only want to receive a text for a “1-Star Google review that contains the word “price” for any of your locations in Quebec, Canada”? This is easy to set up once you are fully familiar with all the flexibility of the platform.

Step 2- Let Us Know the Phone Number and Triggers

Once you know the triggers you would like to use, simply let us know the phone number and the desired triggers.

We will create for you the appropriate real-time notice report (Settings > Report Management > New Report) that sends the email to Zapier, which will redirect the content to the phone number provided.

Do you have different managers at each location? That's fine. Provide us with a list of the numbers and the criteria for each and we will help to set up the processes for each one.

Notification Speed

Based on any delays from Google or Zapier, you would expect to receive the new review within 5 to 15 minutes from the time submitted by your customer.

Additional Costs

For accounts with a large number of locations or a high volume of text messages, there may be additional fees involved.

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