Can you download links for all of the connected GBP listings?

Can you download links for all of the connected GBP listings?

Finding links to your Google Business Listings  is an easier process than you might think, all thanks to LocalClarity. In the Manage Locations in Bulk section,  click on GMB Details, and after letting the live spreadsheet load, you can see all of your listing details. Scroll to column BC, titled MapsURL. This URL will direct you to your Google Listings view in Google Maps. You can simply copy over this section, or you can download the entire file. 

Downloading your Google live spreadsheet is as easy as going to File, selecting the download option and then picking out the  file formatting. We recommend Microsoft Excel or CSV, so that you can clean up the file to remove any columns or content that you view not relevant to your Google Maps Links. 

You now have a fully functioning file that includes listings details and a means of accessing your local listings in Google Maps. If you are experiencing issues while using the Live Bulk Spreadsheet, please reach out to
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