Does Google automatically remove reviews?

Does Google automatically remove reviews?

Yes, reviews do get removed automatically by Google. 

This is generally due to IP address issues (multiple reviews for the same network location) or when the review contains a word Google doesn’t like, such as profanity or racial terms.

The review filter runs periodically and takes down a number of reviews at once that are deemed illegitimate. The filter does not run in real-time which means businesses could have a review stick to their listing for months and then vanish at the same time as several other reviews.

Remove Review from LocalClarity KPIs

You can mark reviews as being removed directly in the ReviewsInbox™. This allows you to maintain a perfect match between LocalClarity and the review platform in terms of the number of published reviews and average score, while also allowing you to retain a record of the original review.

Simply engage the 3-dot menu in the review detail pane and mark the review.

Marked reviews will remain in the list, but show a red "x" to designate they no longer appear on the platform.