Does the location of the review help my business rank better in that area?

Does the location of the review help my business rank better in that area?

Let’s say that your business ranks well in downtown near your location but as you go farther away your map rank drops (this is completely expected given Google's reliance on proximity as a primary signal).

If you secure reviews from these further way locations, will it help the GMB profile rank better for that location?

You could see Google using this as a signal. If an accountant lives in one city, but tends to do all their work in another city, the reviews would reflect that fact. It would make sense for Google to pick up on it as a signal.

Nonetheless, we don't think Google is using this as a local map rank signal (yet). We have not seen a test or other results that suggest this is in place. We have looked through industry blogs and trade forums and see not evidence. 

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