How do I bring less visibility to older/negative reviews on Google that still appear as one of the top reviews, despite having other positive reviews?

How do I bring less visibility to older/negative reviews on Google that still appear as one of the top reviews, despite having other positive reviews?

As a review and reputation management service, we understand the importance of maintaining a positive online presence. To bring less visibility to older and/or negative reviews on Google that are still appearing frequently when your business is searched, we recommend several strategies:

Firstly, ensure you are responding to your negative reviews professionally and in a timely manner. This shows potential customers that you take customer feedback seriously and are committed to addressing their concerns.

Secondly, encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews to push the negative review(s) or older reviews further down the list. The more positive reviews, and the higher the volume of those positive reviews, the less likely older/negative reviews will appear in your businesses immediate Google Business Profile.

Thirdly, you can consider using Google's "Flag" feature to report any fake or inappropriate reviews. Google may remove the review if it violates their policies.

Finally, our team here at LocalClarity can work with you to develop a comprehensive review and reputation management strategy that includes ongoing monitoring and response to reviews, as well as proactive measures to improve your overall online reputation.

Please reach out to us at for additional support or with any of your questions!

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