How do I create a review report?

How do I create a review report?

LocalClarity allows teams to socialize their customer feedback by the usage of our Review Report. Reports can be generated and managed in Settings-Report Management-New Report.

Settings-Report Manger-New ReportSettings-Report Manger-New Report

Report Management lists out reports that have been created within the application. In the right-hand corner there is the option for creating new reports.

Upon selecting the new report option, a pop-up will appear allowing you to create different types of reports. The initial selection will default to 'Dashboard' but 'Review' must be selected in order to create that type of report.

Select Review

From here, reports can be scheduled to send as often as is preferred, the options for Schedule Type are:

Once - This would be a one time report. A one time report has the option to schedule the day and time of delivery, as well as, the time period that you'd like applied to the report.

Recurring - This will continuously send reports at whatever cadence you prefer and at what time of day, day of week, or day of month you would like to receive it.

Real time notifications - These send whenever a new review is received. 

External Ticket- Use when reporting an issue found within reviews.

The final section displays a set of additional options and filters that apply to different conditions for the report so only certain data is visible, as shown below:


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