Is a white-label version of the application available for agencies?

Is a white-label version of the application available for agencies?

LocalClarity works with a number of agencies around the world who provide their end client with review management and local search presence optimization services.

This is a core service, and roughly 2/3rd of our development efforts each month are devoted towards our Agency Partner requests.

If you are interesting is learning more about the program, please reach out to us at for a demonstration
and a quote for your agency.

Setup Details Required:

Application Sub-domain
Please identify the full sub-domain path you wish to use. Examples:,,

Login Page Graphics
logo png (light on dark) - max dimensions 400 width and 120 height
logo png (dark on white) - max dimensions 400 width and 120 height
background (left side of page for login/signup page) - 1280 x 1280

Email Logo
logo png (for use on white background) - max dimensions 400 width and 120 height

Application Icons (upper left corner of app and favicon)
png (dark on light) - square, 200 x 212 max
png (light on dark) - square, 200 x 212 max
logo for expanded menu - max dimensions 390 and 70 height

Email Footer
Simple footer that contain basic contain information such as: business name, phone number, email address, address

Email From/Reply Address
Single email address to use as the from/reply-to for emailed notices and reports

Profile Name
If necessary, an updated system Profile Name to appear on reports.

Set in Application at the Domain Level
  • Happiness/NPS Rating Calculation
  • Email Subject Lines
  • Date Format for Reviews
  • Available Integration Partners
  • Review Star Color

Left Navigation Link #1-#3
Name, tooltip, icon, full link, selection of iframe or external link

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