LocalClarity Report Configuration

LocalClarity Report Configuration

The LocalClarity system is designed to help teams take control of their reputations across locations with unparalleled reporting and notification functionality.

Brands and Agencies can set the cadence, content, distribution, and even design of the system generated reports.

Reporting Configuration is broken down to six groups:

  1. Review/GBP Insights Aggregate Reporting

  2. Periodic Review Details

  3. Periodic Question & Answer Details

  4. Real-Time Notifications for Reviews

  5. Real-Time Notifications for Location Detail Edits

  6. Data Downloads

Report Management Functionality

The main control panel for setting up reports can be found in Settings > Report Management. This page lists all existing reports and the option to create new reviews. The first type of report that most clients will run is the Dashboard Aggregate. These reports are a .pdf version of the dashboard, either generated using the default time period or specifically filtered to a specific data set.

The second most common report type is the Review Details. This allows users to access a combined view of all reviews sent at a preferred frequency. These reports account for all reviews received within the set time period - recording all review content, including any responses given. Real-time review notices being a subset of Review Details, alerts users any time they receive a new review. 

Our third reporting option is our Location Details Edits. In a similar fashion to review alerts, location edits inform users when content on their GBP page has been changed for all locations or filtered to a specific location/grouping.

With Questions & Answer Details, users can receive a complete list of all Google Questions & Answers given during that time period. This reporting option not only allows users to closely monitor their Q&A, but also encourages users to begin data mining their questions. From there, brands can proactively begin asking and answering their own questions.

The final reporting option is Data Downloads. All charts and datasets presented throughout the application have the ability to be downloaded either as a .pdf or as a spreadsheet. All data presented throughout the platform is fully accessible through download for all users.

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