Missing Google Business Profile Insights Data

Missing Google Business Profile Insights Data

Google Business Profile Insights data provides an incredibly rich set of data to describe exactly how customers search for business, how those results are presented, what actions searchers take next, and how customers interact with images.

Unfortunately, GBP Insights data is not known as one of the most consistent data sources in the Googleverse. Here is an example of of a few days of data missing from the Insights LocalClarity received from Google. The data is completely missing for April 30th through May 2nd.

The good news is that in nearly every circumstance, Google has recorded the actual data and it's just a matter of waiting until they correct the issue on their end. The team at LocalClarity keeps track of these situations and works to pull in any missing data points. There is no need to put in a support ticket when you are missing all of your data for a time period.

When a Support Ticket is Recommended

If you see that you are missing data from only some of your locations or the data is materially less than expected (but now zero), we suggest you complete a support ticket so that we can research the issue directly with Google.

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