ReviewsInbox™ Filtering

ReviewsInbox™ Filtering

The ReviewsInbox™ in LocalClarity is a home of your reviews across different connected platforms. The reviews are presented in chronological order, with the most recent reviews showing up first.  Filtering allows you to see specific reviews within the date range selected.  Apply as many filters as you'd like. The three filters presented by default are Rating, Reply, and Assigned.

Filter reviews based on star rating, 1-5. 

You can select from four different options:
Reviews without Reply - reviews that remain open since they have not yet received a response.
Reviews with Internal Reply - reviews that have been responded to from the LocalClarity platform.
Reviews with Auto-Reply - reviews that received a reply as part of an Intelligent Auto Response campaign.
Reviews with External Reply - review with replies provided on the original source platform and then indexed into LocalClarity/

This brings a dropdown of all associated users in the profile. Reviews from specific locations, groups, star ratings, etc. can be assigned to users in the Automate tool. Here you can filter by the user to see which reviews have been assigned to a certain user.

More Filters
Selecting More Filters brings up 7 additional filters, they are: Comments, Source, Review Tag, Location, Store Code, Group, Saved Filters.
Reviews-More Filters

Here you have two options:
Reviews with Comments - reviews that include both a rating and some associated comment from the reviewer.
Reviews without Comments - reviews that only contain the rating. 
This could be useful if you want to quickly and manually respond to a bunch of reviews without comments. Or if you have auto response set for no comment reviews, and you want to manually respond to reviews with comments.

Filter by the review source. For example, see only Google reviews, or only TripAdvisor reviews. 

Review Tag
Tags are another way to organize your reviews. Some common tags are by review sentiment (negative, positive, etc.), staff compliments, or areas discussed (service, product, customer service). Creating a new tag can be done in the bottom left hand side of the ReviewsInbox™.
Reviews-Review Tags
Filter by a specific location or multiple locations. 

Store Code
Filter by a store code or multiple store codes.

Filter by a group that has been created within profile. Groups (of locations) can be created in the Locations Tab. This can be done by going to Bulk Actions-Create Entity Tag. There you can enter the store codes for the group. Groups are very useful for organizing by factors such as regional managers or brands within a larger organization. 
Locations-Create Entity Tag (Group)
Saved Filters
To save time in the future, you can save Filters in Settings to apply them again with one click. To create a saved filter, head to Settings-Manage Filters-Add Filter. Here you can create a Filter based on Entity Tags (Groups), Locations, Source, State, City, Comment Type, etc. So while there are some overlapping filter settings in this compared to ReviewsInbox™ filters, there are also some unique options like City and State!
Your created filters will appear under the Saved Filters dropdown in the ReviewsInbox™. 
Settings-Manage Filters-Add Filter
The final adjustable setting is not a filter but a view setting. 'Adjust review text view' allows four different options:
No Text-Hides all review text
Medium-Default. Shows first 10 or so words of the reviews.
Expand-Shows First 4 lines of the reviews.
Full-Shows the full extent of the reviews.


Filters allow the ReviewsInbox™ to be shown in the most efficient way for your workflow. Filters can be combined in all sorts of ways to view specific types of reviews. Saving filters saves time down the road as well. Happy filtering!

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