Should I add latitude and longitude to my location(s)? Can I do that in LocalClarity?

Should I add latitude and longitude to my location(s)? Can I do that in LocalClarity?

It's considered best practice to add the geographic coordinates to all locations; This ensures that when customers are using Google Maps or Waze to find your location, they're sent to the right access point. The location address may not always match where you want customers to enter, which is why adding the coordinates is so important.

Adding that marker is a simple process in LocalClarity.
  1. In Manage Locations, open the detail pane for the location you wish to make this change to.
  2. Go to Single Location Edit (*Pencil Icon*), scroll down to SetMarker and click on the map.
  3. On the map that pops out, you can then place a pin to indicate the correct entrance for customers to access.
  4. Press the OK button to finish.

If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to reach out to for further assistance. 

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