Suppressed Locations

Suppressed Locations

In LocalClarity, your connected Google locations can fall under four categories: 
  1. Visible-Users can see these locations in the platform and make changes to them.
  2. Hidden-Locations manually hidden by User.
  3. Suppressed-Locations automatically hidden by the system after syncs.
  4. Platform Only-Locations that are only being tracked in the platform, with no external control.
This article focuses on number 3, suppressed locations.

While suppressed locations are hidden automatically after location syncs are performed, the criteria for being suppressed can be controlled by the User. To do so, head to Settings-Profile Settings-GBP Location Status Configuration: Suppression Settings.
Suppression Settings

By default, all six of these settings are set to Visible. That means no locations will be suppressed automatically on syncs. In the screenshot above, the first three settings have been switched to Suppress. That means if any location(s) become Detached, Unverified, or Suspended between syncs, they will no longer be shown in the Locations module. The six Suppression settings are:
  1. Detached-Connected GBP no longer has control over that location, but the location is still active in Google. 
  2. Unverified-Location is no longer verified in Google, and you must go through reverification steps. 
  3. Suspended-The location has been suspended by Google. You must apply to get it reinstated.
  4. Duplicate-There is a Google listing that is identical to yours.
  5. Permanently Closed
  6. Temporarily Closed
If you turn these Suppression settings on and then notice a drop in your Location counts, you can check to see which locations were suppressed. To do so, head to Settings-Authorize Account-Location Controls-Suppressed:
Settings-Authorize Account-Location Controls

Here is where you will see the four categories from before, Visible, Hidden, Suppressed, and Platform Only. Select the Suppressed tab to see which locations are included in there. Unlike Hidden locations, which you can manually un-hide, Suppressed locations can only be brought back by either fixing the issue in Google, or changing the Suppression Settings in LocalClarity. 

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