What is a happiness rating?

What is a happiness rating?

The Happiness Rating is a gauge of a brand's customer sentiment and is calculated in a similar fashion as a traditional Net Promoter Scores.

Using the typical review rating five-point scale, reviews are grouped into three distinct categories:
-Promoters (4 and 5-stars)
-Passives (3-stars)
-Detractors (1 and 2-stars)

Happiness Score

We then take the percentage of "happy" people (Promoters) and subtract the percentage of "unhappy" people (Detractors) to get your profile's Happiness Rating.

A Happiness Rating can range from as high as +100 (all positive reviews) to as low -100 (all negative reviews). While target scores can vary by industry, a strong score is usually in the 50-70 range. An exceptional score is anything above 70. When you start to get significantly below 50, you will see detractors overwhelming the positive reviews of your happy customers.

Dashboard-Happiness Rating

Control Settings

Users can choose to change the calculation in the settings area when it makes sense to set promoters as 5-Star, passive as 4-Star, and detractors as 1 to 3-stars.

Settings-Profile Details-Happiness NPS Setting
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