What is UTC? How do I figure out which time zone I'm in?

What is UTC? How do I figure out which time zone I'm in?

Choosing Time Zone

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) is similar to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) but, unlike the latter, does not adjust to account for Daylight Savings Time.

You can figure out which time zone you're in by searching Time Zone Map or Time Zone [CITY] UTC. Either should help in figuring how to schedule different automations throughout the application.

For example, for the search "time zone Chicago utc" shows the offset to UTC for both standard time and Daylight Saving Time.

Time Zone Search

Setting Time

Within this same realm, when setting up reports (or the like) that require a time zone assignment, please note that all times operate on a 24-hour clock.

If you are trying to schedule a report for say 2:00 pm, the time set should be 14:00.

Need help? Email us at support@localclarity.com

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