Listing Detail
"This operation is not supported for unclaimed locations" Error Message
This error message occurs when attempting to respond to a review for a location that has been marked as unclaimed by Google. A locationState can move from a claimed to unclaimed status for any number of reasons, and unfortunately, it is not shared ...
"Insufficient permissions to access the resource" Error Message
If you've received this error message in your Outbox it is because you no longer have access to that location. Resolution: This can happen for any number of reasons, but there are a two options to address and resolve this issue, Check internally ...
"The service is currently unavailable" Error Message
If you receive this error message in your Outbox, it is most likely a result of 4 or more automated retries to send a response through, indicating that the Google servers are remaining busy. Resolution: The next step to resolve this issue is to ...
Image upload failure because the "image is too small"
Depending on the type of photo you're attempting to upload to your GBP listing there are different size requirements based on each. For instance, profile photos and logos have a minimum size requirement of 250 x 250px, while cover photos have a ...